From: Leota Childress
Sent: Tue Jul 10 21:30:37 2018
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: Elizabeth Klein
Subject: City of Molalla Agreement for Professional Engineering Services Consent Agenda #5
Importance: Normal
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Hi Gerald,
As I read through this document, I didn't see any costs/per hour charges, etc. set out. I did see the following on page 1:
4. COMPENSATION City agrees to pay Contractor for Services rendered as identified within Scope of Work (Section 2), including reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Contractor directly related to the Services in an amount identified within a Task order or in accordance with an attached Fee schedule provided by Contractor.
In order for me to properly consider this contract, I will need to see the Scope of Work, which isn't attached. Will you please send that to me and Lizz.
Thank you!
Leota Childress
Molalla City Councilor