From: Leota Childress

Sent: Mon Sep 24 21:36:56 2018

To:; Pamela Lucht;; Elizabeth Klein; Dan Huff; Christie DeSantis; Kelly Richardson; Andy Peters; Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; Chaunee Seifried

Subject: Celebrate Molalla Debrief

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Greetings All,


The huge success of Celebrate Molalla was due to many hours of planning, checking and re-checking, and reviewing. You were all part of that.


Now it's time to take a look at what we can improve on for next year. We will spend a couple of hours doing that. This is not a shoulda, coulda, woulda review nor is it a judgment session. I believe we can keep it quick and simple if we are concise and don't go into details about what was and why it didn't work. We won't be deciding how it will be done differently, either. An example, one of my own, is "a time schedule of tasks throughout the day". Another of mine is "No DJs, all live music".


Please take this poll to select the dates that you are available. We will schedule the day that the majority selects. In the meantime, make a note of everything you think of. You are welcome to send an email and your ideas will be combined with others.



Thank you all.


Leota Childress
