From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Nov 15 14:13:22 2017

To: Jimmy Thompson; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Leota Childress; Glen Boreth; 'C Dragowsky'; 'D Palumbo'; K Swigart

Cc: Chaunee Seifried; Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; 'Diana Hadley'; Kelly Richardson; Christie DeSantis

Subject: Goal Setting Work Session

Importance: Normal


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Mayor and Council – Just a quick reminder that we have our Phase II Goal Setting Workshop tonight at 6:30 in the City Hall Conference Room. We will have some food for you if you need a snack.

Also, don’t forget about the Town Hall meetings on November 30th and December 2nd for those of you who can attend.

I will be on vacation December 4th through the 10th . In my absence please connect with Gerald Fisher. Or, as always Christie DeSantis will be able to provide information.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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