From: Dan Huff
Sent: Thu Jul 13 09:25:59 2017
To: Jimmy Thompson; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Leota Childress; Glen Boreth; 'Cindy Dragowsky'; 'D Palumbo'; K Swigart
Cc: Rod Lucich; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Chaunee Seifried; 'Diana Hadley'
Subject: Well, it is Molalla
Importance: Normal
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Mayor and Council – I had a meeting the other day with a property owner who is trying to put together a development. During the conversation he made this common statement, “well, it is Molalla”. What I need to tell you all is that this statement offends and irritates me. I actually believe it should offend all of us who live and work in Molalla. I don’t get it. 75% of our working residents commute to work and come home to their community of Molalla to live and be with their families. More people are choosing to move here for various reasons. Why would anyone want to move to a community with a statement of “well, it is Molalla”. They move here because they want to and they deserve quality just as much as the next community.
The Oregonian printed an article yesterday regarding the 20 cities in Oregon with the highest crime rate. Molalla was not on the list. We have our issues here but we are basically a safer community than most. So, if “well, it is Molalla” means this then I am O.K. with the statement but I don’t believe that is what it means to the people who make the statement.
I would challenge the ones who make that statement to prove to us that Molalla does not deserve quality developments that meet standards and land use regulations. That our children deserve or receive a lower quality of education. Or, that ODOT shouldn’t repair Main Street/211 and 213 because “well, it is Molalla”. Offensive.
Interestingly enough, we have residents who are members of just about every law enforcement agency living here. My physical therapist lives in Molalla. County employees, teachers, utility workers, State employees, Forest products, etc. Most of you as City Councilors fall into this category. One of my hopes is that through the visioning process we can change this mindset and recognize the good things going on around this community.
Interestingly enough myself as well as my Staff have been accused of being in the “developers” pockets. Or, recently I am getting rich over all the development (my wife asked me where all the money is, btw). I challenge anyone to prove or back up that statement for me or my Staff. We hold people to standards, fees are paid at the adopted standard rate for all and we do not make deals. If that means we are in someone’s pocket then so be it. We take “well, it is Molalla” seriously and expect people to meet the myriad of requirements that Molalla has had in place for years because we respect the community and want all new development to do the same.
I believe Molalla has unlimited potential and good things are on the horizon for this community. We will hold the line, as always, on making sure all of the work is proper and meets our requirements, because “well, this is Molalla”.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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