From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Thu Jul 06 13:53:46 2017
To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Leota Childress; 'Elizabeth Klein'
Subject: Transportation Funding
Importance: Normal
With the state passing the transportation package, I think it is likely any VRF or gas tax discussion at the county level is over. I realize thus will not fund all of our needs locally. This may be the best time for us to level the playing field though, as once these changes go in to effect we will only take mor heat for doing something in addition.
It would be good to know where tese changes get us with regard to fubding our road maintenance needs, and then to have a healthy discussion about how we fund the rest, perhaps even a towb hall about it.
Just my thoughts. I know Gerald is out until 7/18, but when he gets back I thik it would ve a good thing for us to look into.