From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Wed Oct 12 14:02:54 2016

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: RE: FW: City of Molalla request to discharge to the Molalla River in advance of the November 1 discharge period

Importance: Normal


I appreciate the increased communication. Please keep me in the loop.

I want to make sure you have the support you need, but I have to understand the need and solutions to be able to champion the cause.

These violations reflect poorly on all of us, and it is frustrating to me because I know you all are doing good work.

----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Fisher <>
To: Jimmy Thompson <>
Cc: Dan Huff <>
Sent: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 13:16:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: FW: City of Molalla request to discharge to the Molalla River in advance of the November 1 discharge period

Hi Jimmy,
Our problem is the flows coming into the plant. We have removed biosolids and will continue to do so based on the need. Their is no volume benefit by removing more biosolids for the problem we face. I spoke at the last meeting about covering the chlorine contact basins. It would be too expensive to cover the lagoons and not enough return on that investment to justify it. The program we will be moving forward with is disconnecting rain drains from homes in the older parts of town. There will be a cost sharing incentive where the city will pick up a portion of the cost to disconnect roofs from the sewer system. The other projects we need to work on is the replacement and rehabilitation of the aging sewer systems. We will be selecting sewers for rehab and replacement this winter and prepare a 5 year rate study to show where we need to be with sewer rates to fund the projects. We will need Council to adopt the SDC methodology as written and the rate increases from the rate study. Without the funding we will fail and continue to receive violations from DEQ.
Another thing Dan and I discussed is no more projects. This is not whining too. We don't have the staff bandwidth to do the projects we need to do and others that folks may want us to work on. I am carrying 16 public projects and all of the private projects and development reviews too. I have another person coming on board the take the inspections and some smaller project off of my plate later this month. Going forward, I will need to finish the projects underway and select future projects that are focused on solving our sewer, water, stormwater, and street maintenance problems.
As I start on the budget process next month for FY17-18 a lot of what I am talking about will become clear with a new 5yr CIP. Stay tuned.
Gerald Fisher, Public Works DirectorCity of MolallaSent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Jimmy Thompson <>
Date: 10/12/16 9:33 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: 'Gerald Fisher' <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: City of Molalla request to discharge to the Molalla River in advance of the November 1 discharge period


I've spoken to Dan about these types of occurances. We are likely going to get another violation notice, and the notices will continue until we get a handle on this.

How do we fix it long term? I asked during budgeting of dredging more made sense or would help. I understand we get rain, but this is Oregon, we always get rain.

I know we have money set aside for I&I, which will help with some of the issue, but I don't think that will be enough. I believe you have mentioned covering the lagoons. It would seem that could greatly help with reducing the stormwater infiltration into the wastewater. Would that be enough to get us out of this situation? If so, how much are we looking at to do so?

Best Regards,
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Dan Huff <>
To: Deborah Rogge <>, Jimmy Thompson <>, Jason Griswold <>, Stephen Clark <>, Leota Childress <>, Elizabeth Klein <>, Glen Boreth <>
Cc: Gerald Fisher <>,, Rod Lucich <>, Sadie Cramer <>, Diana Hadley <>
Sent: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 17:16:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FW: City of Molalla request to discharge to the Molalla River in advance of the November 1 discharge period

Mayor and Council - Based on numerous conversations with DEQ we will be
discharging to the river beginning tomorrow. Please take a look at Gerald
Fisher's e-mail below that will give you the basis for this process and
procedure. We have been discussing discharge components with DEQ for at
least two-years to no avail. However, DEQ is fully aware of our situation
and has provided us with advice for this proceeding.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to
public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public
Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule

From: Gerald Fisher []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:00 PM
To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>
Cc: COLE David <>; WILLIAMS Karen
<>; Jason Clifford
<>; BAILEY Randall
<>; Dan Huff (Molalla)
<>; J.W. Ring (Ring-Bender)
<>; Mark Strandberg (Ring-Bender)
Subject: RE: City of Molalla request to discharge to the Molalla River in
advance of the November 1 discharge period

Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for looking into this for us. As discussed in our phone
conversation yesterday, we need to revise our permit regarding the link
between the TMDL and discharge dates.. The dates are arbitrary and do not
coincide with real world conditions in Molalla, Oregon.

In answer to your question, we believe that the upward spike in lagoon
levels is due to downspout connections in the older parts of town and very
heavy rains which are beyond the control of the City. This is consistent
with some of the video inspection work we have been doing as part of our
I&I project.

The notes on the DMR are related to our Biosolids Land Application
project. The City applied biosolids, on September 26-28, to the Mt Hope
Road site which was approved by DEQ on July 27, 2015.

The following summarizes our current emergency conditions at the plant:

1. We have received several inches of rainfall over the past week
and a half and our flows into the plant have increased to approximately

2. The moisture block readings today at our irrigation locations
have exceeded the maximum values (at 75-85%) to allow for irrigation in
all but one location.

3. One location is at approximately 20% but contains visible ponding
and per our permit and consent decree we are unable to irrigate at that

4. In accordance with SOP #32, which was reviewed and approved by
DEQ, in the event that the City cannot irrigate between May 1st and
October 31st due to wet conditions it will be required to discharge to the
Molalla River to protect the integrity of the lagoon levees.

5. Our lagoons are currently at approximately 12 feet and rising.

Based on the conditions listed above, the City will be required to
discharge treated effluent to the river in order to protect the integrity
of our lagoons and to protect Bear Creek. I have instructed our operators
to only discharge what is necessary to maintain the integrity of the
lagoons and to post notifications at the prescribed locations prior to
discharge. The discharge to the Molalla River will begin tomorrow morning
and will be monitored to maintain the safest maximum lagoon depth

On November 1st the City will increase our treated discharge to bring the
lagoons back down to recommended operating levels. Unfortunately, we have
no other options available to us at this time and as per our conversation
yesterday, we are implementing our plan to reduce I&I.

Call me if you have any additional questions.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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