From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Dec 22 15:00:08 2016

To: 'Deborah Rogge'; Jimmy Thompson; Jason Griswold; Stephen Clark; Leota Childress; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Glen Boreth

Cc:;;; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Chaunee Seifried; 'Diana Hadley'

Subject: Molalla Avenue

Importance: Normal


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Mayor and Council – Public Works Director Gerald Fisher and I met with Mike Houck (M.L. Houck) this morning to discuss completion of the Molalla Avenue project. Mr. Houck is well aware of the Liquidated Damages to be assessed and was embarrassed they were in this position. Mr. Houck provided us with a tentative schedule but Gerald and I requested additional information and more details in the timeline. We will receive an updated schedule on Tuesday, December 27th. Once that schedule is in hand we will provide it to you all.

Quietly and without having the schedule I expect that the project will be substantially complete around the third week of January and the final asphalt lift and any punch list or finishing touches should be complete by mid-February. We (Staff) will be preparing a notice for business and property owners.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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