From: Sadie Cramer

Sent: Mon Oct 03 16:54:45 2016

To: 'Diana Hadley'; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Dan Huff

Subject: Agenda for September

Importance: High


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Ok, so as of right now all I have are minutes for the next agenda. There is nothing that is in the tickler or pending items from Council aside from a presentation from the entries zone people. The project will be moving forward and we can put them on the agenda for 10/26/16. It gives us more time for them to prep and prepare as needed. Chief is gone and had nothing in the hopper at this time.

Does anyone have anything that is pending or urgent that needs to be taken on 10/12/16? I am at a training from Wednesday to Friday, so I need to know if I have to come in on Saturday to get the agenda out.

If not, I say we move everything to the 26th. Let me know what the consensus is Dan.


