From: Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce
Sent: Tue Dec 20 12:19:37 2016
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: 'Connie Farrens'
Subject: Banner Brakets
Importance: Normal
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Gerald Fisher; Director of Public Works
The brackets for banners were picked up by the public works employees, quite some time ago. These are the property of the Chamber of commerce. The Chamber and the City employees were under the impression that the City would install the brackets for the Christmas Season, but latter it became evident that was not the case.
There is another group in the community that is proposing banner installation, and at this point I do not have a record of agreement for their use of the equipment or an agreement to donate these brackets to the city, or others.
I will encourage a resolution of this very minor misunderstanding. I will be in contact with you asap.
Grant Sharp, Executive Director
Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce
(503) 829-6941
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