From: Jon Jon

Sent: Tue Jul 21 11:51:12 2020

To: Dan Zinder

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller

Subject: Re: CamScanner 07-10-2020 13.05.44

Importance: Normal


Have you heard any news? Curious to hear the Cities response to this paperwork the Seller provided. I would love to access this property the way it was intended. ODOT had Linda (seller) sign off on her driveway easement (via our property) provided to her on Main St as she could never get a bridge approved over Bear Creek. That land is basically landlocked now if it wasn’t for us buying it. We want to have access to it via a road. Any thoughts?


Brianna Sheckard



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


On Monday, July 13, 2020, 10:30 AM, Dan Zinder <> wrote:


I’m forwarding these to Public Works. They are who needs to see this as they manage Right-of-Ways in the City.

Dan Zinder


From: Jon Jon <>

Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 1:11 PM

To: Dan Zinder <>

Subject: Fw: CamScanner 07-10-2020 13.05.44


Hi Dan,

I attached the document provided by seller. Please take a look and see what your thoughts are?


Brianna Sheckard


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Begin forwarded message:


On Friday, July 10, 2020, 1:09 PM, Jon and Brianna Sheckard <> wrote:

Scanned with CamScanner



Sent from my iPhone