From: Brenda Reiner

Sent: Mon Jun 11 10:54:22 2018

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: 'Mike Penunuri'; Dan Zinder

Subject: Request for private street name

Importance: Normal



The residents who own 963 W Main asked if they can put up a private street sign at the access onto Hwy 211 to help people find their place. They said that its hard for emergency services or others to find them quickly. I think it’s a great idea myself. They would like to call it Louise Avenue in memory of their mother who was a health care worker. Let me know your thoughts.


Brenda Reiner | Senior Engineering Technician

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.759.0243 I Fax: 503.829.3676