From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Thu Jan 26 17:26:49 2017

To:; Andrea Parmalee; Crane Westfall; Herb Wall; Pat Duffy

Subject: RE: Trinity Estates Sign Request

Importance: Normal


Hi John,

We’ve reviewed the MUTCD, which is the signs standards manual for public roadways, for Trinity Court. The private drive on tract B can be posted however the HOA would like as long as the signs are not placed in the right of way which extends to the back of the sidewalk in the cul-de-sac. Make sure whoever you have installing the sign call the Utility Notification Center prior to digging so they don’t hit any underground utilities. They can be reached at 1.800.332.2344 or 811.

There is another sign that has been posted near Toliver Road that does not meet MUTCD standards and will have to be removed by the City. The Dead End sign will be relocated closer to Toliver Road and the “children playing” sign will have to be removed since it is not a legal sign. I will have our Maintenance Division place the sign removal and relocation work on their work list. Thank you for contacting us and let me know if you have any questions.

Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: []

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:25 PM

To:; Andrea Parmalee <>; Crane Westfall <>; Herb Wall <>; Pat Duffy <>

Subject: Trinity Estates Sign Request

January 26, 2017

Dear Gerald,

As an officer of the Trinity Estates H.O.A. I would like to submit a request for two signs on the two streets that enter the Trinity Estates development – Trinity Court and the lane (Tract B) that currently says “private driveway.”

These two signs would replace the caution sign on Trinity Court and the private driveway sign at Tract B and would be the legal signs that you recommended to me in our conversation several months ago indicating “No Through


These signs have been approved by the Trinity Estates H.O.A. – the only problem I have had is finding the right form to fill out to implement this process.

Gerald, is this information enough to get things going? What else do I need to do?

I will be out of the country the next three weeks but you can contact Andrea Parmalee, H.O.A. secretary, or Crane Westfall, H.O.A. president if there is an immediate question that needs answering.

Thanks Gerald!

John Baker

Secretary, Trinity Estates H.O.A.