From: Chelsi Sanders
Sent: Fri Dec 29 10:14:22 2017
To: Jacob Angelo; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Jacob Angelo - Frank Walker and Associates
Importance: Normal
Hi Jacob,
Gerald Fisher is our public works director and would likely need to be your contact person on this issue. He will be out of the office until next week.
Chelsi Sanders
City of Molalla | Utility Billing
117 N Molalla Ave | Molalla, OR 97038
P: 503-829-5600 | F: 503-829-3676
From: Jacob Angelo []
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 8:50 AM
Subject: Jacob Angelo - Frank Walker and Associates
My name is Jacob Angelo, with Frank Walker and Associates. I am emailing you today to try and figure out who to contact in order to find out information about the accessibility of the cities water of properties outside of the Urban Growth Boundary. We just need to know if the city of Molalla supplies any water to the properties bordering the UGB, and what is the legal description of those properties if any. We are conducting a mass research matrix of these properties, but we are having trouble accessing this information.
Thank you for your time,
Jacob Angelo
Frank Walker and Associates