From: Dan Huff

Sent: Mon Sep 25 09:54:36 2017

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Jason Clifford; Ryan Hepler

Subject: FW: Form submission from: Contact Us

Importance: Normal


Do we have a project with the energy trust? I do not recall.





-----Original Message-----

From: City of Molalla Oregon []

Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:07 AM


Subject: Form submission from: Contact Us


Submitted on Monday, September 25, 2017 - 9:07am Submitted by anonymous

user: [] Submitted values are:


Full Name: Nayan Alailima-Rose


Phone Number: 9714070211




I am an Outreach Manager for the Energy Trust of Oregon which is a

non-profit company that utilizes rate payer money to provide energy

efficiency and renewable energy programs. Once a project is enrolled in

these programs we have one of our Outreach Managers (like myself) help

identify and advice on energy efficient options to save on energy bills. We

also provide cash incentives and technical assistance to help invest in

energy saving options.


I will be coming to your area this Wednesday (9/27/2017) for a site

verification of a project and thought I would reach out to see if anyone

would be interested in learning more about our offerings and how we could

help the city get to their energy efficiency goals! I am available anytime

after 9:30am that day.


Feel free to also connect me with anyone who might benefit from this

information. I look forward to hearing back from you.


Thank You,




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