From: Debbie Rogge

Sent: Mon Jul 18 10:40:41 2016

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Re: Consturction- serious road issues

Importance: Normal


Thank you for following up on this.



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On Jul 18, 2016, at 9:17 AM, Dan Huff <> wrote:


Debbie – I do not know Cathy Finney but Gerald Fisher has altered a few things with this project since he has arrived for the better. I have sent this e-mail to him and he will look into this.


From: Cathy A Finney []

Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 12:04 AM


Subject: Consturction- serious road issues

Dear Mayor and City Manager,

I am at my wits end as of today. I almost hit a motorcycle head on this afternoon (Saturday) while turning south onto Molalla Ave at the 4 way stop as he was pulling up to a stop headed north. And there was another car also behind him going the wrong way... the one way roads need to be marked better. The motorcyclist acted like I was in the wrong. When clearly he and the car behind him were. The road construction in the down town area has become a hazard to all of us driving and walking in our downtown area. Today marks the 3rd time that I have come across a car driving the wrong way on our streets during the construction. The first two times also were cars that were driving north on Molalla Ave while I was driving south through the construction area. All three times, they acted like they had no idea they were driving on a one way street. In order to not hit the other car or motorcycle, I had to take defensive action , praying that they stopped in time to realize they are in the wrong place on a one way road.

I have really tried hard to work around the road construction these past weeks, but it's become a real hazard. Friday, on my lunch time as I drove south from the 4 way intersection on my way home. The road (Molalla Ave) was open to cars but as I came up on the area were the church and Waldorf Accounting business is located, the machinery they were using was moving around in and out in of the south bound lane with no care at all that cars were driving south in the open to traffic one way lane. I had to wait until I could pass without hitting them and weave my way through. I realized too late that the road really should have been closed to through traffic with what they were doing on the other side of the road. And once again, I was looked at like I was the problem, not them. REALLY ? there are NO flaggers, I have never seen one in all these months, roads that should be closed during the day are not, I see slow and lazy workmen staring at you when you drive by, with looks on their faces , that say that I am the problem, they don't care and I am and in their way... I am fed up with this company that is doing the work for our city. They don't care about the citizens driving by, trying to live their normal lives thru this mess they have made of our streets, they are careless, they don't use flaggers,(aren't there some laws that are not being followed with lack of using flaggers), they leave their equipment sitting in the streets, in the way when they are not using it. Why do they not put the equipment away somewhere. It's a hazard to leave it all on the street, thinking no one will bother it or hit them. The city parking lot would work if nothing else...

I'm sorry this is so long, but it's been a long time in coming. Mark the one way streets better! We need flaggers.... Tell the company to take better care with drivers during the day, move the equipment somewhere else on when not using them. If I was the owner of Waldorf accounting, I would be VERY upset that they have left their big equipment sitting in front of their business for over a month when not in use. With no room for parking or customers to be able to get to their business easily. I can see the writing on the wall with what is going on.... someone is going to get hit, a person or a car. And then they will file suit and the City of Molalla will end up paying.... money that we cannot afford to pay. Please take a look into what is really happening during the day with how this company is doing business, and working with and around the citizens of Molalla.

I care about Molalla, and only want the best for our small city! I have lived here for over 40 years. I have never seen any company and work that has been done here in all that time that has been as haphazardness as this.

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff,

Cathy A Finney

Cathy's Heritage & Photo Book Design



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