From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Aug 24 10:28:59 2017

To: Connie Farrens; Jimmy Thompson; Leota Childress; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: .Grace Church/Caterpillar Clubhouse

Importance: Normal


Where in our proposed new Code do we “establish fees”?

From: Connie Farrens []

Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 9:34 AM

To: Dan Huff <>; Jimmy Thompson <>; Leota Childress <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Re: .Grace Church/Caterpillar Clubhouse

Hi attached is what I received from Grant in response to your email yesterday. He said he had a very brief conversation with Pastor John at the "Donut Shop". I hope this helps clarify what actually did take place. Let me know if you have any other questions. Grant was trying to explain State Codes for a NonProfit adding and income portion to their nonprofit. He is familiar with this from the Masonic Hall renting out space in front for office space. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 11:21 AM, John Baker Molalla <> wrote:

Thanks Grant – I appreciate your clarifications and I apologize to you if I misspoke in my questions to Mayor Thompson, especially in terms of the origination of the legislation in question.

Mayor Thompson sent me a copy of the bill this morning and it will give me chance to get familiar with it. Thanks for giving me a heads up to check it out.

Next time I will make sure I am able to frame my questions in a way that reflects on the total picture of what you are trying to say – I’m pretty impressed with how graciously you got back to me on that.

I’m learning – thanks Grant!


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Grant Sharp

Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 10:53 AM

To: John Baker

Subject: Re: Good morning Jimmy -

Dear John, I am sorry if you misunderstood the conversation at the do-nut shop. I wish you would have stopped by the office and received the printed information that I have assembled for you. The legislation is not coming from California. Many of the people are. The Standard building code for Oregon, limits the use of buildings with wiring, not in conduit or metal clad for educational facilities. A few years ago, the Green Stone Building, the old Methodist Church also a wooden building, was rejected as a Montessori school when the wiring was found not to be acceptable. The Building code is generated by the State of Oregon, not the city of Molalla. This structure code applies to all cities. The City Code is the enforcement arm of the zoning ordinances, and establishes, fees, design parameters, and restrictions on building location and utilization.

I am not in favor of the new city code, but I was trying to inform you of the potential changes in fees, and the possibility that upgrades in your facility may make it financially impracticable to proceed. I also have a document listing the tax implications of using a Church facility for a private school.

Just tying to be of help. I'm sorry you didn't have time to become fully informed.


Grant Sharp

Cell 971-570-6535

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Connie <> wrote:

I was totally unaware of this situation. Thank you for the information.


Sent from my iPhone


On Aug 23, 2017, at 3:14 PM, Dan Huff <> wrote:

Connie – Just an FYI. Below I have include my e-mail and an e-mail to Mayor Thompson from John Baker regarding misinformation provided by the Chamber Director. I haven’t provided the numerous e-mails that have gone out to correct the problem. I am also aware of a request from the Chamber expressing a desire to the Molalla River School District that they need to object to the direction the City is going.

What direction is that specifically?

Molalla just had a great day for our community on Monday during the eclipse. Thousands of people were here to enjoy this great town and an historic event. We have received numerous comments about our services and how great the town looked and have received numerous e-mails regarding the same.

That is the direction we are going!

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855



This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule

From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 9:14 AM

To: John Baker

Cc: Jimmy Thompson;; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: .Grace Church/Caterpillar Clubhouse

Mr. Baker – First, I would like to say that my Staff is willing to work with you and Caterpillar personnel as needed to further discuss the day care relocation as they previously have done. Second, Mr. Sharp is incorrect and I believe he has provided you with erroneous information regarding development and/or small business issues within the City of Molalla.

We do look at each proposal and assess impacts for all of our services. Not looking at issues, impacts or treating people differently is the problem. I believe Gerald Fisher gave you some options when you all came in previously and I think you should reexamine what he told you on that day.

Finally, City’s do not approve or adopt “bills”. The new development code does not impact development fees or anything that you would be proposing with Caterpillar Clubhouse. So, I am unsure what Mr. Sharp has told you regarding the direction of the City. I have spoken with Amber from Caterpillar Clubhouse as well as Gary Deardorff who is the property owner. The stories are a bit different. Development processes begin through the City of Molalla and do not go through the Chamber of Commerce and we are happy to provide you with accurate information.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule

Hi Jimmy -

I finally got a chance to talk to Grant Sharp yesterday and he said that in two weeks the City Council is going to pass a bill that would make it almost impossible for a small business like Caterpillar Clubhouse to relocate. On top of over $200,000 in upgrades, we would be taking on regulatory restrictions that would require structural and electrical work (re-siding the church, rewiring where necessary) that would also cost us several hundred thousand dollars.

These regulations coming out of California are to be voted in in two weeks.

Jimmy, is this true? All I can tell you is what I heard from Grant and it sure sounds counter to what we talked about - that you are willing to do anything to help small business growth.

Anyway, I would appreciate the straight scoop. I enjoyed our time together and am looking forward to an education on this kind of stuff.

Thanks -

John Baker

Pastor, Grace Church Molalla




Connie Farrens

PepCo Designs
