From: Maeghan Sandberg
Sent: Tue Jul 19 12:06:57 2016
To: Gerald Fisher; Dennis Welle
Cc: Kelly Richardson
Subject: FW: BMX track stuff...
Importance: Normal
Please see the below request from the representative of Molalla BMX. We have an agreement with them using the BMX track over by the city shops. They are hosting state competitions coming up and have been making improvements to the track in preparation. It appears they want to put up some permanent fencing around a new “pre-staging” area permanently altering the park….
Can you respond to her regarding this? Sadie should have a copy of the agreement if you have any questions regarding terms. Let me know if you need anything further from me.
Maeghan Sandberg
Parks Administration
p. 503-759-0223
f. 503-829-3676
From: MolallaRiverBMX []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 11:55 AM
Subject: bmx track stuff...
Hi Meagan.
Things are moving right along over here at the track. Thank you for your assitance/guidance through some of our requests.
I was wondering if I could have someone (maintenance?) look at the area that we marked out for a "pre-staging area"…it's behind the starting hill along the road…we are wanting to put some cyclone fencing around the perimeter, indicated by marking paint and make it a permanent area. I don't want to call 811 until I know that its okay with you guys before we continue.
Thank you