From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Fri Dec 04 10:54:57 2020
To: Ginger Harville; Chaunee Seifried; Cindy Chauran
Subject: RE: Caselle
Importance: Normal
Poop. I was going to work on budget.
From: Ginger Harville <>
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 10:49 AM
To: Chaunee Seifried <>; Cindy Chauran <>; Andy Peters <>; Christie DeSantis <>; Darlene Bishop <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Julie Larson <>; Maeghan Sandberg <>; Dan Zinder <>
Subject: Caselle
Caselle had an update scheduled today which isn’t going well and is why we can’t get in (if you’ve tried). Stuart is working on the problem with them and will advise when it’s been fixed. Thanks!