From: Kelly Richardson

Sent: Mon Nov 19 15:46:36 2018

To: Andy Peters; Aldo Rodriguez

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Brenda Reiner

Subject: RE: Business License Procedure Update

Importance: Normal

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Great idea a meeting will help get everyone on the same page and work out a system that works for everyone. I do not want to set anyone up to fail. With the holiday and vacation schedules this week I will send out a meeting notice first of next week.

Until then I will formulate my thoughts and priorities.

Thank you,

Kelly Richardson, CMC

City Recorder / City of Molalla

117 N. Molalla Ave. / P.O. Box 248 / Molalla, OR 97038

503-759-0291 Direct / 503-829-3676 Fax


This email is a public record of the City of Molalla, Oregon and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule.


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From: Andy Peters

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 3:38 PM

To: Kelly Richardson ; Aldo Rodriguez

Cc: Gerald Fisher ; Brenda Reiner

Subject: RE: Business License Procedure Update

Folks Brenda and I are in the process of formalizing Public Works Permits with the MolallaOps system so that we can do exactly these things. It’s on my docket next right after my budget deadline with Gerald. Once we do, we can set up exactly the type of reports and notifications and exception warnings that Kelly needs without further ado.

I recommend we all collaborate on how this goes so that we can avoid some big problems: if we make Aldo try to compile and manage a list, and Brenda do another, and Dan Zinder messing with those lists when Aldo and Brenda are not here…if we do this without formalizing into a proper fully collaborative Information Management System… we will end up with incomplete reports, instances of missed licenses, and upset managers who can’t understand why we poor employees just can’t seem to keep things strait.

Kelly if you coordinated a 15 min meeting in the conference room for all of us I could get enough information from you all to slam out something that will help us all. Are you interested?


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038

From: Kelly Richardson>

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 2:55 PM

To: Aldo Rodriguez>

Cc: Gerald Fisher>; Andy Peters>; Brenda Reiner>

Subject: Business License Procedure Update


As first point of contact for permits and planning of any kind the below code section is clear and we need to be following our code.

From here on out when a contractor or subcontractor applies for a permit of any kind they will be required to have a business license to work within the city limits. Please see the code section below as reference.

I have looked at surrounding city’s code and this is nothing new as they must obtain a business license in most jurisdictions.

I am currently working with Clackamas County to figure out some type of notification process or monthly report from them as well however many of these can be caught with communication between our departments.

5.24.019 Contractors’ and subcontractors’ responsibility.

It shall be the responsibility of all general contractors, utility companies and subcontractors working in the city to obtain a business license. It shall further be the responsibility of all general contractors and utility companies working in the city to provide a list of all names and addresses of subcontractors under their direction. Failure of any subcontractor to obtain a license may result in a stop work order on any project within the city’s jurisdiction.( Ord. 2018-04 §1; Ord. 2013-07 §1)

When a permit comes in I should be given a list of contractors and subcontractors on each project so I can make sure they each have a license. Even our own projects. I understand this will require some work and coordination of departments but this is our code and we need to follow it.

Thank you,

Kelly Richardson, CMC

City Recorder / City of Molalla

117 N. Molalla Ave. / P.O. Box 248 / Molalla, OR 97038

503-759-0291 Direct / 503-829-3676 Fax


This email is a public record of the City of Molalla, Oregon and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule.


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