From: Heather Penni
Sent: Thu Aug 03 09:54:58 2017
To: Rod Lucich; 'Diana Hadley'; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Kelly Richardson; Dan Huff; Christie DeSantis; Dan Zinder; Aldo Rodriguez; Brenda Reiner; Jason Clifford; Dennis Welle; Ryan Hepler; Chelsi Sanders; Maeghan Sandberg; Ronda Lee
Subject: Payroll at the end of August
Importance: Normal
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Hello Everyone!
I will be out on leave from Monday August 28th to Friday September 8th. I will need to complete payroll on Friday August 25th for payroll payday Thursday August 31st. I am willing to stay late on Friday and do payroll in the afternoon if that helps minimize the impact to your departments for estimating hours for the 25th.
Please let me know how I may help and what time on the 25th I can plan on timesheets so I can plan accordingly.
Also, I will process payroll on Monday September 11th as per the schedule.
Thanks for helping me and sorry for the hassle!
Heather Penni I Senior Accountant
City of Molalla, Oregon