From: Heather Penni

Sent: Tue Oct 25 13:04:30 2016

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Chaunee Seifried

Subject: WWTP Summer Help

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;


This is a reminder email from our earlier conversation. The temporary status as defined by BOLI allows for an employee to work as a FTE without benefits for six months. As long as we honor the BOLI definition of “temporary” the health insurance doesn’t make us pay either – but they watch us very closely and one day over the six months and they require us to go back and pay for the health insurance benefit for the full duration of their employment. That is a 5 digit ding….ouch!


James Clifton – Hired for 2016 work on May 2, 2016. He must be off our books by November 1, 2016

Jacob Giberson – Hired for 2016 work on June 27, 2016. He must be off our books by December 27, 2016.

