From: Andy Peters

Sent: Tue May 26 09:44:47 2020

To: Cindy Chauran

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Overtime Question

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OT Report.xlsx;


Cindy, after Payroll is done and you have a free moment, are you able to run a quick report on OT for our group so I can confirm what I got? I came up with the list attached, total 186.5 hours this pay period for public works. Gerald and I are trying to do some business analysis on this issue.



select AbbreviatedTitle, a.Hours, FirstName, LastName, Comments, PayPeriodBeginDate, PayPeriodEndDate, C.Title from tblTKHoursAllocation a

inner join tblPayPeriod b on a.tblPayPeriodID=b.ID

inner join tblTKTask c on a.tblTKTaskID=c.ID

inner join tblEmployee d on a.tblEmployeeID=d.ID

inner join tblPayCode e on a.tblPayCodeID=e.ID

where b.Id=428 --this is PayPeriod

and c.TaskNumber = 200 --this is public works

and e.ID = 3 --this is Overtime

From: Cindy Chauran <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 9:27 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: FW: Timesheet question 1


And just a reminder today is timesheet day. Please make the adjustment to your time sheet for 5/9 and submit and I need you to go in and review all the guys timesheets and approve. Let me know if you have any questions


From: Cindy Chauran

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:14 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: RE: Timesheet question 1

Geez must me Monday I should have read the e-mail better. Yes you did everything correct except for 5/9 I’m not sure why I can’t change it but on 5/9 put the three hours on Exempt Pay line item so your regular hours only says 40 for the week. Then it will be perfect you can submit to Gerald for approval


From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:02 AM

To: Cindy Chauran <>

Subject: Timesheet question 1

Cindy, glancing over timesheets today I noticed Gerald puts his extra hours in a new EXEMPT HOURS line. I need to do the same thing, of course, but for the 5/10/20 pay period I put with comments in Regular Pay 3 hours on 5/9/20. Can you make sure we didn’t accidently pay that out as OT or something? Let me know what the easiest way to fix that is, or if it’s even worth it.



Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038