From: Cindy Chauran
Sent: Fri Dec 11 13:32:54 2020
To: Gerald Fisher
Subject: Your Time Sheet
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20201211132721652.pdf; Gerald, I adjusted your time sheet. Management's time is calculated by the pay period. Any additional hours worked can be flexed in that pay period. This pay period consisted of 88 total hours. You worked 90 hours. I will deduct your vacation time that you had entered. 11/26 - 11/28 16 Holiday 11/29-12/05 34.5 12/6-12/10 39.5 Total Regular hours 90 Let me know if you have any questions. If you don't just answer back this email so I can include it with your timesheet. Thanks, Cindy R Chauran Senior Accountant P: 503-759-0221 F: 503-829-3676