From: Cindy Chauran

Sent: Fri Nov 20 13:26:01 2020

To: City Hall Distribution List; City Shops Distribution List; Finance Distribution List; Library Distribution List; Ronda Lee; Water Treatment Plant Distribution List; WWTP Distribution List

Subject: Timesheets Due Wednesday Morning the 25th @ 8:00am

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hello everyone,

This is one of those “Wonkey Donkey” pay periods. Because of the Holiday’s I need timesheets with estimated time for the 25th please turned into me at 8:00am Wednesday morning. If you have a position where you can submit your timesheet on Tuesday that would be even better.

Thank you everyone and


Cindy R Chauran

Senior Accountant

P: 503-759-0221

F: 503-829-3676