From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Oct 02 09:33:11 2020

To: Chaunee Seifried; Frank Schoenfeld; Chris Long; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Christie DeSantis; Darlene Bishop

Subject: RE: Form submission from: Contact Us

Importance: Normal


I think we leave it alone and see if he responds again.


-----Original Message-----

From: Chaunee Seifried <>

Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 8:59 AM

To: Frank Schoenfeld <>; Chris Long <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Christie DeSantis <>; Darlene Bishop <>; Dan Huff <>

Subject: FW: Form submission from: Contact Us


Good Morning All,

Christie received the below email. I contacted Stuart to make sure it wasn't a pfishing scam and he said it isn't but that still doesn't prove it is real.

Do any of you know any issues with any employees regarding the name Gerald Mark Ryan? His email a link to our website as though he has filed a claim but I am not sure if that is real either.




Chaunee Seifried

Finance Director

City of Molalla

503-829-6855 ext 0228


-----Original Message-----

From: Christie DeSantis <>

Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 2:16 PM

To: Chaunee Seifried <>

Subject: FW: Form submission from: Contact Us


Hi Chaunee,


I received this email last week and it unfortunately got buried. I have not responded to this gentleman. Maybe this is something for Scott G.?




-----Original Message-----

From: City of Molalla Oregon via City of Molalla Oregon <>

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:53 PM

To: City Recorder <>

Subject: Form submission from: Contact Us


Submitted on Thursday, September 17, 2020 - 6:53pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are:


Full Name: Gerald mark ryan

Email: festerpcoyoty@yahoo.com971

Phone Number: 9713259907

Question/Comment: How do I submit a bill for lost wages and other expenses incurred, due to malfeasance by employees of the city of Molalla I'm trying to be reimbursed



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