From: Chaunee Seifried

Sent: Thu Apr 09 07:29:45 2020

To: Christie DeSantis; Alice Cannon; Dan Huff; Diana Hadley; Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Darlene Bishop; Ronda Lee

Subject: RE: Contract Protocol

Importance: Normal


Thank you for the reminder Christie.

Chaunee Seifried

Finance Director

City of Molalla

503-829-6855 ext 0228

From: Christie DeSantis <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 2:21 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>; Chaunee Seifried <>; Christie DeSantis <>; Dan Huff <>; Diana Hadley <>; Frank Schoenfeld <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Darlene Bishop <>; Ronda Lee <>

Subject: Contract Protocol


As a reminder, according to Molalla Municipal Code, Chapter VIII, Section 34, the City Manager must “administer and enforce all city ordinances, resolutions, franchises, leases, contracts, permits and other city decisions;”

What this means in short – the CM signature must be applied to all contracts, MOU’s, IGA’s, grants, licensing, etc. This applies to all departments of the City. When you are entering a contract, agreement, etc. please be sure that there is a line that includes Dan Huff’s name and title. I’ve received a few contracts this year that do not have his signature. In the future, the above listed items without a CM signature will be sent back to the Department Head for correction.

If you have any questions about what the CM manager signature should/shouldn’t be applied to, please call or email me and I will be happy to help. I’m cleaning things up in the CRO, and this item is of the utmost importance. Your help is appreciated.

Thank you,
