From: Christie DeSantis

Sent: Wed Jan 08 13:25:29 2020

To: Alice Cannon; Chaunee Seifried; Christie DeSantis; Dan Huff; Diana Hadley; Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Darlene Bishop; Cindy Chauran; Maeghan Sandberg; Julie Larson; Sam Miller; Andy Peters; Dan Zinder; Ginger Harville

Subject: 2020

Importance: Normal


Happy New Year from the City Recorder’s Office!

Some of us work on a January – December calendar, others a July – June calendar. Either way, I have an invitation for you. If you are boxing up documents that need to be stored in the Records Center, please bring them to my office and I’ll take care of the box label for you and storage for you.

Nancy created a Records Center Log (the woman is a goddess!) for me, I add line items as we add things upstairs. If you have boxes that go upstairs, please set them inside my office, on the mostly blank green wall. Please and thank you.

Also, please be sure on any documents that reach the public, that you use all of 2020, not just ‘20’. It’s fine in house to use 1-8-20, but out the door it should read 1-8-2020. People are crafty and could add any other year that would suit their fancy. By writing/typing out 2020, we eliminate risk.

Thank you all for your help and continued support as I navigate through exactly what it is that I’m supposed to be doing. Ha! ��
