From: Nicolas Lennartz

Sent: Tue Jul 12 11:26:54 2016

To: Dan Huff; 'Gerald Fisher'; Peggy Johnson; Maeghan Sandberg; Chelsi Sanders; Sadie Cramer;; Dan Zinder

Subject: Vacation Plan, July 25-29

Importance: Normal


Hi all,


I will be taking the week of July 25-29 off for a trip to the San Juans. I am trying my best to organize all my meetings and obligations around this absence, and I wanted you to be aware. Any items that may need my attention that week, please let me know as soon as possible.



Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038

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