From: James Bobst
Sent: Fri Aug 26 16:20:00 2016
Cc: James Bobst
Subject: Urgent Planning Matter from Pacific Fibre Products
Importance: High
Good afternoon. I understand Nicholas Lennartz is no longer with the City of Molalla. I am sorry to hear this as I enjoyed working with Nicholas. I contacted the City and was advised by an employee to send an email with any planning issues to this email address. My name is James Bobst and I am with Pacific Fibre Products, Inc. I am based out of our Longview, WA headquarters. We currently operate a bark production facility at 300 Shaver Avenue in Molalla. Nicholas and I successfully worked together on the planning issues when we began our bark production operations at our Molalla Division. We are currently in the process of purchasing the Tillamook Fibre Recovery operation at 410 section Street. This operations abuts our current bark production facility at 300 Shaver Ave.
We expect the purchase of the TFR operations to conclude approximately September 9. We plan to move right in and continue the existing operations with the same number of employees, etc.. This business will be under our current business license which lists whole log chipping. I have been in contact with Shirley Cass-Crosby at Clackamas County Building & Planning. We are beginning the process of getting permits for one project that we need to do ASAP once the purchase is complete. We will put up chip bunkers or bins to temporarily hold wood chips so that a truck can pull under the bin, open a door on the bottom of the bin that will allow chips to fall from the bin into the top of the truck’s chip trailer. The bin is then closed and the trucks deliver the chips to or customer. The bins are pre-designed / constructed. The permit is needed for the concrete foundation for the bin complex. Shirley has advised me that the City will need to provide a letter of approval so that the County can issue the permits to complete the project. The current operator, TFR, loads the chips off of the ground with a front end bucket loader. This process can permit the introductions of contaminates like plastic, rocks, chunks of wood, etc. into the wood chips, which greatly affects the quality of the chips delivered to our customers. Temporarily storing them in bunkers until the chips can be hauled a short time later will prevent contaminates from entering our process. This will also reduce the need for the use of bucket loaders for loading chips, saving us money in fuel consumption.
Would you please be kind enough to have the individual responsible for filling in the vacant Planner position contact me so that I can discuss this further and determine how we can obtain a letter of approval from the City ASAP? I can then present the letter of approval to the County at the time I apply for permits.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. Please call me with any questions.
James Bobst
Vice President - Corporate Relations & HR
Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.
PO Box 278 / 20 Fibre Way
Longview, WA 98632
O) 360-577-7112; Direct) 360-749-8042; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362