From: Mac Corthell

Sent: Fri Dec 04 15:15:37 2020

To: Dan Zinder; Julie Larson

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller

Subject: CHTC/Stafford

Importance: Normal


Hello All,

Just got done with the preliminary injunction hearing for CHTC. I had to break from training to be a standby witness for a procedural argument the defense was making and ultimately dropped once they knew a witness was available and on the line (classy). Anyhow, Spencer made a great argument, their attorneys made arguments that seemed more favorable to us at times, and some that are damaging if the judge buys them. I am cautiously optimistic the injunction will be granted; she’s taken arguments under advisement and will issue a written opinion (presumably today or early next week). Regardless of the outcome, we’re one step closer to the end of this.

Also, Zinder knows about this, but I wanted to share with everyone: N. Ona Way ROW has been dedicated and recorded! We can finally cross that ball of wax off the list!!!

Anyhow, just wanted to update everyone and give you some positive vibes going into the weekend… one less fire to deal with, and one a step closer to being fully retarded (the verb). Anyhow, back to my seminar.
