From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Thu Jun 18 06:48:49 2020

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: Fwd: Out today

Importance: Normal


FYI...I expect DZ may call me today before the Pre-app meeting with questions. We should proceed with Part One of a pre-app today.


I am suggesting he and I talk with the applicant next week specifically about the annexation part of the pre-app (for free).


For today, I think you and DZ are prepared to walk through your comments/research. DZ has researched the Dev Code too and should have some things to offer.


See you soon.






---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Alice Cannon <>

Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2020, 6:25 AM

Subject: Out today

To: Dan Huff <>, Dan Zinder <>




Good morning,


I am quite fatigued today and want to get some rest at home today.


DZ: After our discussion with Gerald last week, I think the two of you are prepared for today's meeting. It is an annexation and I know you haven't been through one of those. You should offer the information you have already prepared. Then send my regrets for being out today.


Please offer Mr. Cook (did I get that right?) the chance to have a (free) phone, WebEx or in-person meeting with the two of us regarding the annexation process. We can schedule that next week. If he is available during one of next week's Thursday pre-app slots, please put him in there. Otherwise, let's look at some time next week outside of that. Feel free to schedule it today using our calendars or wait until I return...just assure him we will be back in touch very soon to reschedule.


DZ: I will spend time reviewing your staff report today from home. I may need you to email me some files. My work laptop is at the office. I will call you if I need anything.


See you soon. Please email or call if you need anything today.

