From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Fri Jan 03 14:02:48 2020


Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Follow-up with City of Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: P30-2016 Review Signed -- Previous Approval for Ice Company at 201 Dixon.pdf; image002.png; image003.png; image001.png;


Good afternoon Brad,

Your crew may have mentioned that I dropped by on Friday morning, January 3 to introduce myself. I am Molalla’s Planning Director and have been with the City since April 2019. I work with Public Works Director Gerald Fisher and work for City Manager Dan Huff.

I am writing to you now to follow up on conditions of approval for your site redevelopment in 2016. In particular, the condition relating to the temporary structures on the site (see highlights below), have not yet been resolved. We have that a tropical fish farm occupies the property. We are concerned that the fish farm is located inside the temporary structures. A tropical fish farm will require additional sanitary sewer permitting from the City.

Your staff told me that the fish farm hasn’t occupied the site for a few years. We hope you can confirm this and tell us more about your plans for removal of the temporary structures. Please note that the Molalla Development Code section relating to temporary structures changed in 2018. It may not be possible to obtain permitting to continue using those temporary buildings.

Gerald Fisher and I would like to meet with you soon to discuss this issue and other issues relating to unfinished compliance with the conditions of approval for your 2016 City of Molalla land use permit. We want to begin with informal discussions now to avoid this turning into a code enforcement case with Molalla Municipal Court.

Please tell us when you will be available to meet in the next two weeks. We look forward to connecting.

Kind regards,

Alice Cannon, Planning Director

2016 Notice of Decision excerpt from P30-2016 (also see attached, signed document):


