From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Thu May 30 08:27:27 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: RE: OR-211/Leroy Intersection in Molalla: Follow-up from yesterday's meeting

Importance: Normal



Thanks for forwarding this to me, along with your message back to Jon. I will reach out to him today.

He had a very strong reaction to my conduct in the meeting and I need to make it right. My high school coaches would have said I “played too rough on the field.” It’s important to maintain sportsman/sportswoman-like behavior. While trying to win is important, I need to play honorably and with kindness and integrity.


From: Gerald Fisher <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 6:06 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: FW: OR-211/Leroy Intersection in Molalla: Follow-up from yesterday's meeting

Here is what I sent back to Jon. I think he will be OK but you may want to call him before he heads out.

From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 4:58 PM

To: 'MAKLER Jon' <>

Cc: Dan Huff <>

Subject: RE: OR-211/Leroy Intersection in Molalla: Follow-up from yesterday's meeting

Hi Jon,

As always, thank you for you honesty and being straight forward with us when something is bothering you. After discussion today with Alice, she admitted up front that she came on a bit too strong yesterday. That may have been partly due to walking into a project at the 11th hour and receiving some measure of push back from the Planning Commission and not having all of the answers for them at the last meeting. At our meeting yesterday, I think she was in the same position with the upcoming meeting looming next week. That being said, I can assure you that she is reflecting back on the Monday meeting and considering her approach with all of you in the future. In short, it is not how she wanted it to turn out. I had a good talk with her this morning and I think she is in a better frame of mind on how to proceed forward. Next meeting will be better and hopefully have solutions for our Leroy issue from both sides.

Thanks again Jon and if we don’t chat again before you leave, have a great time with your family and enjoy your travels at home and abroad. Thanks.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: MAKLER Jon <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 12:46 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Dan Huff <>

Subject: FW: OR-211/Leroy Intersection in Molalla: Follow-up from yesterday's meeting


Were I not leaving so imminently, I would pursue this with greater intensity. I did not feel that Alice Cannon’s conduct in yesterday’s meeting was appropriate. I expected to meet as partners, as we have in the past. I feel that I was subjected to a hostile inquisition. I have consistently tried to following ODOT’s protocols with maximum empathy for my Molalla’s point of view. I have taken time to attend planning commission and city council meetings in the city. I have coordinated closely with you when dealing with complaints from certain individuals. Overwhelmingly, I feel that I have received the same from both you and Dan, even when we ended up in the appeal scenario last year.

I have chosen to assume that this was the case of a new employee attempting to make a strong first impression and that things will settle down from here forward. If the desired outcome of meetings like yesterday’s is that ODOT extends itself, “goes an extra mile,” or stretches to accommodate special requests, I think you’ll find that the opposite is true.



Jon Makler, AICP

Region 1 Planning Manager

Oregon Dept of Transportation

Direct: (503) 731 – 4753

Mobile: (971) 322 – 5633

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His

Upcoming Leave of Absence: I will be starting a leave of absence on June 1, lasting for approximately one year. During that time, the acting R1 Planning Manager will be Melanie Ware (, 503-731-4753).

From: Alice Cannon <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 12:35 PM

To: WARE Melanie <>; PUTNEY Mandy <>

Cc: WINDSHEIMER Rian M <>; MAKLER Jon <>; SCARLETT Paul <>; Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Chris Brehmer <>

Subject: OR-211/Leroy Intersection in Molalla: Follow-up from yesterday's meeting

Melanie, Mandy, John and Rian:

Thanks for the meetings yesterday. I appreciate all of you taking time over your lunch hour and right after to meet with us about the OR-211/Leroy intersection in Molalla.

I followed up with Kittleson’s Chris Brehmer and Cascade Center developer Karl Ivanov this morning. Chris is committed to having a revised TIA for ODOT review by Friday, May 31. Melanie and Mandy confirmed yesterday that ODOT’s Traffic staff committed to completing their review within a week of receiving the updated TIA.

We look forward to hearing the outcome of ODOT’s review of the updated analysis.


Alice Cannon

P.S. Special thanks to Melanie Ware for all the outreach and preparation for yesterday’s meetings.

Alice Cannon | Senior Planner

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0219