From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Mon Jul 22 10:06:54 2019


Cc: Alice Cannon; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: OPFP: Request for UGB and City Limit Boundary Confirmation

Importance: Normal



And a current UGB file including the Horn of Molalla.

Dan Zinder


From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:04 AM

To: '' <>

Cc: Alice Cannon <>; Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: RE: OPFP: Request for UGB and City Limit Boundary Confirmation

Hi Justin,

Please find out City Boundary attached.

All parcels are included in the version you sent but this includes all roads.


Dan Zinder


From: Alice Cannon <>

Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 1:17 PM

To: Dan Zinder <>; Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: FW: OPFP: Request for UGB and City Limit Boundary Confirmation

FYI – Dan Zinder and I will respond to this. If you have any feedback, let me know.


From: Justin Sherrill <>

Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 1:10 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: OPFP: Request for UGB and City Limit Boundary Confirmation

Dear Alice,

Portland State University's Population Research Center (PRC) is gearing up to update your area's population forecast, as part of the Oregon Population Forecast Program. We collect forecasting data using the most current Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) and city boundaries.

We are requesting that you review your city's boundary and UGB that we obtained from Oregon's Geospatial Enterprise Office. If you are not the correct person to do this task, please let us know who we should contact instead.


Attached to this email is a PDF map of Molalla’s UGB and city limits, with some identifying reference features included.

Please respond to this email either by confirming that the boundaries are correct, or if there is a discrepancy in the UGB or city boundary, by sending us the correct boundary information in electronic format (GIS shapefiles are preferred). If you are unable to determine whether the boundaries are correct in this map, please notify me and I can follow up with an alternate version.

If we do not hear back from you within the next 10 days, we will assume that your city's boundary and UGB in the map are correct.

If you have any questions or comments about the map or the boundaries, please contact me using my contact information below.

For general information about the Oregon Population Forecast Program, visit:, or contact Nicholas Chun at

Thank you for your assistance.


Justin Sherrill

Graduate Research Assistant - Population Research Center

Portland State University