From: Jesse Winterowd

Sent: Thu Feb 15 10:48:32 2018

To: Mike Simmons; Dan Huff; Aldo Rodriguez; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Plan zone conflicts and utility service map

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla Plan Zone Conflicts Suggestion Memorandum.pdf;


Attached is a brief summary of plan zone conflicts, a general methodology for resolving, and suggested resolutions for areas previously discussed.


Jesse Winterowd, AICP

Senior Planner, Winterbrook Planning

(503) 827-4422 x 109


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike Simmons []

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 4:47 PM

To:;; Jesse Winterowd;

Subject: Plan zone conflicts and utility service map


Hi Dan,


When we spoke at the planning commission meeting you mentioned that you believed that Jesse had an updated map from the city team and the plan zone resolution was in his court.


I think we had a small disconnect there, but I requested to Jesse that he prepare a quick report and recommendations for the earlier identified parcels. Complete with identified methodology backing up his recommendations.


While this report is easy on the parcels, if the city could send him the updated map that apparently shows misalignments of lines he could offer comments on those as well to close the issue.


On the subject of maps, we discussed last year that Gerald could provide a high level estimate of what was needed to expand facilities in each direction for comparison.


This originally was thought to need a detailed topi map but it was agreed that this was first not available and second not required for a high level review. This review was only to say “ lift stations in this direction line size upgrade in this direction “ etc.


Can you ask for Jesse receive the utilities estimate, and if you desire the detailed line review send that to him please as well.


Sent from my semi-Smart phone

Excuse my brevity


