From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Fri Nov 16 13:28:52 2018

To: Dan Huff; Aldo Rodriguez

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Preliminary Population Estimates

Importance: Normal


Looks good to me.

I did the cleanup for the 2017 estimate. Aldo did this year’s estimate work.

I’m seeing a 15 person increase year to year. Basically, it would just be the Bear Creek permits that were issued prior to June 30th. The big adds from Rondel and Stoneplace are already incorporated and the bulk of the Bear Creek permits were still yet to come.

From: Dan Huff <>

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 11:33 AM

To: Aldo Rodriguez <>; Dan Zinder <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: RE: Preliminary Population Estimates

Population is based on building permits rather than subdivision approval. Did they include the work Zinder put together in the summer. We need to check.

From: Aldo Rodriguez <>

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 11:31 AM

To: Dan Huff <>; Dan Zinder <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: RE: Preliminary Population Estimates

I believe so. Since we haven’t had any new large subdivisions or new multifamily in 2018; the population only increased slightly from 2017.

From: Dan Huff <>

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 8:12 AM

To: Aldo Rodriguez <>; Dan Zinder <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: FW: Preliminary Population Estimates

Is Molalla Correct?

From: Aldo Rodriguez <>

Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 6:30 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <>; Dan Huff <>

Subject: FW: Preliminary Population Estimates

Subject: Preliminary Population Estimates

The July 1, 2018 preliminary population estimates are now posted at

Notification letters have been mailed to all cities, towns and counties.



Deborah Loftus

Accounting Technician/Office Specialist

Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies & Population Research Center

Portland State University

(503) 725-5101

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