From: Aldo Rodriguez

Sent: Wed Mar 15 11:10:43 2017

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Voice message from R & M Steel (2084541800) to 5037590219

Importance: Normal

Attachments: message.wav;


Hey Gerald,

In the voicemail R & M steel is looking for ground/roof snow loads, wind loads, and frost depth for engineering plans. My attempt at finding it in the code was unsuccessful. Do you any idea as to where this information might be.


Aldo Rodriguez

From: tel: 2084541800 []

Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 8:45 AM

To: Aldo Rodriguez <>

Subject: Fwd: Voice message from R & M Steel (2084541800) to 5037590219

The attached message was recently left in your voicemail account for 5037590219. We are sending you this email because you have asked for your messages to be forwarded to this address.