From: Aldo Rodriguez

Sent: Wed May 03 16:45:43 2017

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Draft Package #1 Molalla Code Review Comments

Importance: Normal




-----Original Message-----

From: Rachel Cain []

Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 3:11 PM

To: Bill Avison <>

Cc: Aldo Rodriguez <>; Laura Buhl

<>;;;; Childress

<>; Glen Boreth <>; Mitch

Jorgensen <>; Rae-Lynn Botsford


Subject: Re: Draft Package #1 Molalla Code Review Comments


Good Afternoon Aldo:


Mr. Avison, thank you for submitting your suggestions, your hard work is

greatly appreciated and I look forward to discussing your suggestion

thoroughly with the Planning Commission.


Aldo, after reviewing Mr. Avison's (CCC member) suggestions for improvements

to our City of Molalla Code Draft #1, I have a concern that has come to

light, please explain to me why Draft #2 (you sent to the Commissioners

yesterday evening and is publicly posted on the Molalla website) includes

what he mentions in his suggestions provided to us here. Because they were

never discussed with the Planning Commissioners at a Planning Commission

meeting, it would appear only with the CCC, and yet included and submitted

into Draft #2?


Again, Planning Commissioners just received Draft #2 from you on Tuesday,

May 2, 2017 at 3:44pm and Mr. Avison sent his suggesion on Draft #1 to us on

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7:54pm 'after' you sent Draft #2 to the Planning

Commissioners and posted Draft #2 on the website with many of those

suggestions included in it, thus the Planning Commission phase bypassed.

This is a violation of protocol and before the changes from the CCC can be

included and made apart of the draft they need to be discussed with the

Planning Commission. Please take down Draft #2 until we can review Mr.

Avison's suggestions at the Planning Commission and discuss with him his

suggestion if he chooses to attend our meeting and participate in same to

answer any questions we may have regarding his suggestions.


Additionally, there are numerous changes in Draft #2 that are not red-lined.

both are unacceptable practices regarding transparency, not only to the

Planning Commissioner, but to City Council members and the City of Molalla



Please take the joint Molalla Planning Commission meeting with Molalla City

Council off calendar for 5/10 until we can thoroughly vet these discrepancy.

Also, after reviewing the "2015-2016 TGM Code Rewrite Project (Community

Outreach & Engagement Plan)", I am not seeing everything being followed,

which needs to be addressed, as well. Again, for transparency and

accountability to the residents of Molalla.


Your most expeditious response is needed and appreciated.


Thank you,


Rachel Cain

Planning Commissioner

City of Molalla



----- Original Message -----

From: "Rachel Cain" <>

To: "Aldo Rodriguez" <>, "Laura Buhl"


Cc: "Rae-Lynn Botsford" <>, "Jamie Hinkel"

<>, "Dan Burck" <>, "Jim

Chapin" <>, Lau

Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 2:13:56 PM

Subject: Re: Draft Package #1 Molalla Code Review Comments


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bill Avison" <>

To: "Aldo Rodriguez" <>, "Laura Buhl"


Cc:,, "

Childress" <>, "Glen Boreth"

<>, "Mitch Jorgensen" <>, "Rae-Lynn

Botsford" <>,,,,

Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7:54:14 PM

Subject: Draft Package #1 Molalla Code Review Comments




Enclosed is a PDF file with my comments on the Draft Package #1 for the new

proposed City of Molalla Municipal Code. I have forwarded it to the others

in the committee including Stacey and Laura as per the request at our last

CCC meeting. Also I have included the Planing Commission members since the

time line for review is narrow.


Please let me know if you have any questions.





Bill Avison

PO Box 419

Molalla, OR 97038
