From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Thu Jul 21 17:10:02 2016

To: Neumeier, Kelly

Cc: Bohard, Eric; Dan Huff; Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Hi Kelly,

I wanted to touch base about the scheduled aerial flights.

- Have they already occurred?

- If not, when will they?

- At what resolution?

- And will the photos be ortho-rectified?

We have new management in house that is much more invested/interested in the quality of our data collection. The new PW director ultimately wants imagery that we can derive topography from i.e. ortho-rectified and within 1/3 ft.


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Dan Zinder []

Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 1:52 PM

To: Neumeier, Kelly

Cc: Bohard, Eric ; Dan Huff ; Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Great – I’ll draft the letter up this week. Very glad we can get in on this at the pre-flight stage.


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Neumeier, Kelly []

Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 11:01 AM

To: Dan Zinder>

Cc: Bohard, Eric>

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Thanks Dan,

A simple letter of intent to contribute to the photography from the City to Clackamas County Technology Services/GIS would be all we need from you. The cost will be $1000 and we can invoice you later next fiscal year after we receive our (much larger) bill from Metro for the flight. This will get the City all 10 sections that the City of Molalla boundary currently touches. You can have the actual images as soon as we receive them. Once they go into Plan Map you’ll be able to access them that way as well in addition to previous years and the area to the north of the City up Hwy 213 that we are paying to fly again.

Thank you and have a great week,


From: Neumeier, Kelly

Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 9:16 AM

To: 'Dan Zinder'>

Cc: Bohard, Eric>

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Great! Eric can let you know next week what he needs from the city but I let Metro know that we’d like to go ahead and fly Molalla this summer with the same flight path as in 2012.

Thanks for the quick feedback,


From: Dan Zinder []

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:13 PM

To: Neumeier, Kelly>

Cc: Bohard, Eric>

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Hi Kelly,

I talked to our admin and we’re on board! Let us know what you’ll need in terms of a letter (from whom and what it ought to include) and portion of the financial commitment and we’ll get it together.


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Neumeier, Kelly []

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 12:00 PM

To: Dan Zinder>

Cc: Bohard, Eric>

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Hi Dan,

The sections that we flew in 2012 were the 10 sections that your city boundary touches (plus we flew the highway 3 sections wide going north another 2 miles to connect with the Metro flight). These sections aren’t set in stone if you want to buy more but right now that’s what we’d like to do again.

You could have the imagery in house after it is delivered and when it becomes available in PlanMap for county users, Molalla would have it through there as well. I’m assuming that’s what you are asking.

Does this help? What kind of turnaround on a decision would you expect and what level of commitment would you be hoping to offer from the city?

Thank you,


From: Dan Zinder []

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:44 AM

To: Neumeier, Kelly>

Subject: RE: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Hi Kelly,

I’ve been pushing to upgrade our aerial imagery for some time now but I would have to pitch this to admin as I do not make my own budget. We will be approving our budget soon though. Two points of clarification would help me make my case:

1) Can you send me an approximate outline of the area that would be flown. Just a quick box would do.

2) I would want to pitch a scenario that would include desktop access to the data. Would our financial commitment to the flight plan give us that access?


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Neumeier, Kelly []

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 10:44 AM

To: Dan Zinder>

Subject: 2016 Aerial Photography Flight

Good morning Dan,

At the county we are hoping to purchase 2016 aerial photography through Metro’s photo consortium. We buy the urban area that they fly in even years but if we want to add on rural portions of the county we have to pool funds from those who would be interested in the photography (as we would own those sections, not Metro). We could have the 10 sections for Molalla flown this year as part of this flight for about $1000. Would the City be interested? We’re looking for informal letters of commitment to go ahead with the flight expansion but the money wouldn’t be needed until next fiscal year.

Let me know! J



Kelly Neumeier, GISP

Clackamas County Technology Services, GIS Division

121 Library Ct

Oregon City, OR 97045

(503) 723-4815