From: Chaunee Seifried
Sent: Tue May 22 16:18:33 2018
To: Stuart Rios
Cc: Dan Huff; Christie DeSantis; Rod Lucich; Ronda Lee; Gerald Fisher; 'Diana Hadley'; Kelly Richardson; Heather Penni
Importance: Normal
Attachments: GLOBAL EMAIL LISTS FOR EMPLOYEES.xlsx; Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html; Stuart, The Global email list for employees is outdated so I am going to start doing that each time I hire or terminate and employee. If I understand correctly, no one here has rights to make changes. I am attaching an updated list. Can you make the needed changes? CHANGES: The golden rod rows need to be added. The RED need to be deleted. There are a couple groups that are not already in the list and they are golden rod colored as well. Thanks, Chaunee