From: Chaunee Seifried

Sent: Thu Nov 08 13:53:19 2018

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Andy Peters; Heather Penni; Ginger Harville; Maeghan Sandberg; Brenda Reiner; Aldo Rodriguez; Dan Zinder

Cc: Christie DeSantis

Subject: Colored Copies vs. Black & White

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Copier Counts.Nov.2018.pdf;


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;


Yesterday we met with the rep from Ricoh Copiers.

During that meeting, he provided us with the attached printout that shows that we are using twice as many color copies as black and white. The black copies we have allowance for in our maintenance plan but we pay for every color copy on top of our current agreement.

In an effort to conserve ink (and money), please be sure that you are printing in color only when necessary. Ideas for conservation are:


If anyone else knows ink saving tips, please share with All. We’re all in this together! ��

Thank You,

Chaunee and Christie