From: Chaunee Seifried
Sent: Wed Aug 23 07:52:22 2017
To: Christie DeSantis
Cc: Heather Penni; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson
Subject: FW: Pitney Bowes Machine
Importance: Normal
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Let’s keep the folding machine. I wasn’t sure it was enough if we were only using it for our monthly shut off notices and payroll but, it appears we will use it a lot for planning as well. Go ahead and make the change. Anyone else have thoughts about the folding machine?
From: Christie DeSantis []
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 3:03 PM
To: Chaunee Seifried
Subject: Pitney Bowes Machine
Hi Chaunee,
We started moving towards getting rid of the monster Pitney Bowes machine, and then lots of things became a priority and it got moved to the back burner. I’m still on a mission to get it out of here! ��
Here is the breakdown that I’ve been given for monthly fees:
Current Machine: $279.69
Inserter(Folder) $118.55
Monthly Total: $398.24
New Machine: $ 59.88
Inserter(Folder): $118.55
Monthly Total: $178.43
Monthly Difference: $219.81 (eep!)
We have the option of not keeping the inserter machine, and paying only $59.88 per month. The inserter is definitely a convenience, tho…
Please let me know how you would you’d like for me to proceed.
Thanks so much,