From: Chaunee Seifried
Sent: Fri Jul 08 08:49:41 2016
To: Dan Huff; Sadie Cramer; Rod Lucich; Gerald Fisher; Maeghan Sandberg; Chelsi Sanders; Peggy Johnson; 'Diana Hadley'; Nicolas Lennartz
Subject: Outlook Calendar
Importance: Normal
We are converting to using the outlook calendars instead of paper calendar for reception (we expect it to take awhile before everyone is fully using it). When we get a call at city hall we can easily check your calendar to see if you are in or in a meeting or off that day to be able to help customers better. If any of you need any help using the calendar you can call me and Stuart at MCC is also helping us get everyone set up. When I invited you all to my calendar I assumed you were already using it. I found that some are and some aren’t.
Thank you