From: Diana Hadley
Sent: Fri Nov 04 11:53:42 2016
To: Chaunee Seifried; Dan Huff; Rod Lucich; Gerald Fisher; Sadie Cramer
Cc: Heather Penni; Ronda Stone
Subject: Re: New Credit Card ?Please respond ASAP
Importance: Normal
Not me! Good luck!
On 11/4/2016 11:20 AM, Chaunee Seifried wrote:
Did anyone open up an account for Elan with a $32,000 limit? We received a statement and I tried calling the company but they won’t give me any information because I am not on the account. She said she would only talk to the person on the account. I am worried that this could be someone trying to set up an account illegally.
It was opened 9/14/16 under City of Molalla / Accounts Payable with no name listed.