From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Tue May 29 12:01:00 2018

To: Andy Peters; Ronda Lee; Steve Long; Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff

Cc: Adam Shultz; Dennis Welle; Darren Penni; Shawn Shepard

Subject: RE: 4th of July

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Returning from Vay-Cay today.

Please look over the maps and let me know if anything needs updating on them. With the base layers set, any adjustments will be fairly quick for me.


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Andy Peters []

Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 10:34 AM

To: Ronda Lee <>; Steve Long <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Dan Huff <>

Cc: Adam Shultz <>; Dennis Welle <>; Darren Penni <>; Shawn Shepard <>; Dan Zinder <>

Subject: 4th of July

Folks, these are the work instructions to our crews for the 4th of July festivities. This is what I understand from our meetings last week, but we should adjust the verbiage to encapsulate tribal knowledge.

What I’d recommend we avoid is perpetuating the situation where “the crews just know” that something is always done, or is always a certain way. What ends up happening is expectations get forked. Then the event runs into trouble, and the crews either get blamed, or else called out on an emergency basis to do something someone forgot. So if these work orders are missing something you expect the crew to do, now is the time to let us know!


Thank you,



Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038