From: Darren Penni

Sent: Tue Jun 12 10:21:24 2018

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff

Subject: parade vehicle.............

Importance: Normal



With all due respect and in the interest of saving time with all we have to do to get ready for the July 4th parade we would make the following request for your consideration.

We would propose that we would be able to drive our new tanker truck in the parade as opposed to the vactor truck. The tanker truck is the newest addition to our fleet and would require far less time to prep for the event as it is still new and shiny.

The other thing to consider is that the vactor, although we do our best to keep it clean is several years old now and even our best efforts to shine it for the parade leave it lacking a little.

Thank you for the consideration!
