From: Christie DeSantis
Sent: Wed Jul 25 12:05:11 2018
To: Rod Lucich; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Mike Penunuri
Subject: Barnhouse Vintage Market
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 8.11.18.Barnhouse Vintage Market.Pending.pdf; 8.1011.18 Barnhouse Chicks Vintage Market CLARK PARK GRASSY AREA.pdf; 20180725120127554.pdf; All, Please see the attached info on an upcoming event. I didn’t have a flyer available, so the final attachment is what I was able to locate on Facebook. (So it must be true! ��) Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much, Christie Kelly – I’ll combine all documents into one pdf once I receive all signatures for approval. Thanks, C.