From: Sadie Cramer

Sent: Tue May 30 12:01:37 2017

To: Darren Penni

Cc:; Dennis Welle; Adam Shultz

Subject: RE: Relay for Life..........

Importance: Normal


Hi Darren,

I don’t know who put up the ribbons and signs. I believe Roxie Smith is the event coordinator so I would reach out to her first to see if she can give some insight regarding the signage and ribbons. I believe she has a group of volunteers that help her. A permit was filled out but the event is at Heckard Field on MRSD property. No police or public works services were requested on the application and no requests to put up ribbons/signage was received by me.

Roxie Smith 503-209-7721

I hope this helps and thanks for all you guys do!


From: Darren Penni []

Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:49 AM

To: Sadie Cramer <>

Cc:; Dennis Welle <>; Adam Shultz <>

Subject: Relay for Life..........


Gerald asked me last week to reach out to you regarding the following matter, I’ve tried catching you a few times at City Hall since then but my timing appears to be off.

About a week ago we came in to work and saw that the city was pretty plastered with purple ribbons and laminated Relay for Life cards. This included in our parks, on our tree’s, stop signs, lamp poles etc. First of all let me say I am a fan of the cause as I lost my mother to cancer a couple years ago.

Our concern is this….A large percentage of the ribbons etc. have been ripped of the tree’s, poles etc. in the parks and have slid down the new light poles making things look pretty unsightly. Can we reach out to those in charge of this function and ask them to follow up on the clean -up of these issues?

Also, in my conversation with Gerald it is my understanding that these items should never be placed on our city signs and other traffic control signage or in our parks. Please confirm with him but that is what I understood from our conversation. There was also some question as to whether or not they filled out the necessary event permits etc?

I know last year after the event we spent several months (as we saw them) tearing down ribbon etc.

Thank you in advance for any relief you can offer here.


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