From: Maeghan Sandberg
Sent: Fri Feb 10 16:54:51 2017
To: Rod Lucich; Ronda Lee; Gerald Fisher; Sadie Cramer; Mike Penunuri
Cc: Dan Huff; Chaunee Seifried; Chelsi Sanders
Subject: FW: SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT - Goat Mountain Gallop 04/15/2017
Importance: Normal
Attachments: scan.pdf; **Still pending copy of ODOT application; please see email correspondence below. Otherwise attached is the event permit in its entirety. Please review for completion and contact the applicant directly with any questions. Chief – as stated in the email below, ODOT needs a letter from you agreeing to monitor Hwy 211 where the race crosses. Please provide me a copy of the letter for the permit packet. I can forward on to ODOT if needed. Once the ODOT permit is provided, I will forward that on. Thanks, Maeghan Sandberg Special Event Coordinator p. 503-759-0223 f. 503-829-3676 From: Sheron Farner [] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 4:20 PM To: Maeghan Sandberg <> Subject: Re: SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT - Goat Mountain Gallop 04/15/2017 Maeghan, I talked to Marlene Nichols at ODOT, she has my paperwork but has put it off because she is trying to write a Hazmat policy. She said to tell you it is in the works. She does need a letter from the police chief stating that the department will monitor the section of Hwy 211 where the race crosses. If you need, I have a copy of the letter he has sent in the past. Sheron Farner MHS Track Sent from Sheron's iPhone On 10 Feb 2017, at 12:00 PM, Maeghan Sandberg <> wrote: Sheron, Can you please forward a copy of the ODOT permit that you submitted to them for this event? I left you a voicemail requesting this as well, just wanted to make sure you got the message. I’d like to get the approval process started, and can’t do so without showing your submitted ODOT permit. You may fax or email that to me. Of course, you can always bring it in as well. Thank you, Maeghan Sandberg Special Event Coordinator p. 503-759-0223 f. 503-829-3676