From: Sadie Cramer

Sent: Mon Aug 28 14:20:09 2017

To: Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; Mike Penunuri

Cc: City Manager - Dan Huff; Christie DeSantis

Subject: FW: Pending Application

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20170828115912032.pdf;




This is a walking event. Does not take place on public property. This is

more of an FYI type of event. It does not look like they are asking

anything from any of the department. Administratively, everything is in

order. The turn outs have been small in the past.





-----Original Message-----

From: Christie DeSantis []

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 1:50 PM

To: Sadie Cramer <>

Subject: Pending Application


Hi there,


This is saved to the Pending file, as well as listed on the spreadsheet.


